Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A Great day!

The last couple of days have been very exciting for the little guys. On Sunday night, Graydan was giving his PIC line. A PIC line is a permanent IV that will allow them to both inject nutrition (the TPN) as well as medicine, and also to take blood when needed. It took them almost 2 hours to complete the procedure as it requires x-rays to be taken periodically. The PIC line went in easily and Graydan was very happy to have his hands free. As of today, Kiernan has had his PIC line put in as well.

Yesterday, we were able to hold Graydan for the first time. It was great. He opened his eyes for a bit and smiled at us both. While Mathew was holding him he got hiccups, which scared Mathew a little as he's so small.

Kiernan has gained .4 oz, and is about to have his sugars mixture readjusted to help him continue to gain weight. He continues to have no problems with digestion, though he still has an apnea. The apnea is less prevalent now, only happening 1-2 times in 12 hours. This shows the caffeine regiment is working well for him. They suspect he'll be able to come off of it in a few days.

Graydan is done with his indomethasin course and the murmur is all but gone. It will continue to decrease in size as he grows but it's no longer a danger to him. His sugars and digestion has evened out so he is going to start catching up to Kiernan on the nutrients. He hasn't gained anything as of our visit yesterday, but his lungs and heart are good to go and he should in the next day or so.

Both boys are doing great and becoming more active as they get taken off more and more machines. Soon we will be able to hold them a little each day and eventually start a program called Kangaroo Care. Thank you all for your well wishes and happy thoughts. It means a lot to us all that they are so loved even before meeting people.


  1. PICC lines are super convenient. Once they're in, they're easy to do a ton of stuff to, and babies don't get poked [as much. Some stuff you need to poke them for ): ]. Plus, it's easier to cuddle sweeties that don't have bunches of tubes. Soon it will be Kiernan's turn for cuddles. Happy Happy!

  2. kangaroo care is awesome for all of you ;) The boys should do even better with skin/skin contact!

    So glad to see that they are doing well *big hugs*
